Since I came up with nothing in the 1880 census for San Francisco and the 1850 Census for New Hampshire, I decided to revisit the 1870 and 1860 census. I was pretty sure my family was in San Francisco at that time. As long as they didn’t avoid census enumerators, I should be able to…
I’ve Been Searching…City Directories
[Research Journal #5, Entry #9] Since the 1880 census was a bust, I went back to the Oakland Public Library and buried my head in city directories. I wanted to see if I could find Margaret (Kelly) and Thomas Jones and Martin Kelly. My hopes were that they’d be living near each other. I soon…
As Klondike Cornelius Would Say “Ah Nuthin!”
Normally, we work our family trees backwards from present to past. Sometimes we get impatient. My Kellys were supposed to be in New Hampshire in 1849, so I jump the census years to see if the Kellys were there in 1850. I searched through many, many Kellys. Unfortunately, no one matched my family in Manchester…
Letting Time Pass
Genealogy Research Journal #5, Entry #7 I didn’t really know where to research next. I needed to see the newspaper obituary for Margaret to see if she had any siblings alive at the time of her death. Waiting for the 1889 Index The impatient genealogist that I am, I kept checking the Call Monitor index….
Calling on the Archdiocese
Genealogy Research Journal #6, Entry #6 I knew that the city of San Francisco would not have a copy of the marriage record as they were destroyed in 1906. I also knew that the state of California did not begin recording vital records until after 1905. I didn’t know what church they were married at…