Genealogy Research Journal #4, Entry #2 Who is Helen Correia? Helen Correia’s name came up many times when talking to older cousins. She belonged to the Pacheco family, but because she was given away at a young age her story was murky. The names of both sets of parents were lost over time. Helen’s most…
Two Ida’s Resolved
Genealogy Research Journal #3, Entry #6 With this journal, we started with confusion over “Ida”. For now, we have answered the main question. We have concluded that there were two Ida’s. It turns out that Ida (Cosmer) Drew was not a Cosma or Jacinto da Camara at all. She was a Pavon (Pavao) who was…
Who was Jose Pacheco’s Wife?
Genealogy Research Journal #3, Entry #5 In the last entry, we resolved Ida (Cosmer) Drew’s identity. So, who was Jose Pacheco’s wife? People believed she was a Camara, but not a Cosma, which didn’t make sense to me since the Cosma and Camara families were cousins. It was time to get some documentation on Ida…
Getting Ida Cosmer Drew in Order
Research Journal #3, Entry #4 Sometimes in genealogy, you have to prove what isn’t true before you can find out what is true. In order to figure out who Ida Camara was, it was important to figure out who she was not. Her identity had to be separated from Ida (Cosmer) Drew. It was time…
The Problem with Ida: Are There Two in the Family Tree or One?
Genealogy Research Journal #3, Entry #1 Every family has it’s common given names. When it is coupled with a common surname, it gets confusing. In the second research journal, I learned that the surnames Jacinto, Jacinto da Camara, Jacintho, Camara, Cambra, and Camera all referred to one family. (Read Journal #2 for their story) It…