One of the most wonderful things when working on online trees is finding that someone has a photograph of your ancestor. It’s even more special when that is the first photo you’ve ever seen of this person. What’s not wonderful is finding that people who have your relatives in their trees have photos of the…
Category: General Genealogy
Grateful For The Mom’s In My Tree
Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you have an enjoyable day however you’ve spent it…celebrating, being celebrated, or doing nothing at all. I was thinking about my mom today. Since she passed away, these special days usually make me reflective. My mom loved music. She was never really stuck on one type or one era. She…
Wishing You All A Happy New Year!
I want to wish all my readers a very happy new year. I hope 2020 brings you happiness and brings solutions to your genealogy brick walls. 2019 was a trying year for me. Ups and downs after my mom passed away, packing, moving, unpacking…and then, exhaustion. Each year will have its ups and downs, but…
Do Our Ancestors Send Us Signs? The Curious Coincidence Of The Blooming Flower
My sister gave my mom a plant a couple of years ago, an Antherium. You know, the one with the heart shaped flower. We had it on the kitchen counter under the skylight and it thrived. It bloomed repeatedly until my mom died. One Of The Most Satisfying Flowering Plants I don’t know if you’ve…
AncestryDNA Match Labeling Chrome Browser Extension Test Drive
It can be challenging organizing your AncestryDNA matches. This simple Chrome browser extension helps you with that task.