Genealogy Research Journal #3, Entry #5
In the last entry, we resolved Ida (Cosmer) Drew’s identity. So, who was Jose Pacheco’s wife? People believed she was a Camara, but not a Cosma, which didn’t make sense to me since the Cosma and Camara families were cousins.
It was time to get some documentation on Ida #2. The first step was to find her in the 1920 Census. It was a bit of a surprise to find Jose and Ida living in Kilauea and not Oakland! There they were with their three children in Camp 1E on Kilauea Road of Kilauea Village. Ida was 23 years old, born in Hawaii. Really not much to go on.
Since we didn’t know when or where Ida was born or who her parent’s were, the best route would be to find their marriage certificate. Plenty was known about her husband, Jose A. Pacheco, so researching him should lead to her.
I located the certificate with the help of another researcher. The couple was married in Koloa not Kilauea. Although Jose’s family was residing in Kilauea, he was residing in Eleele, as was Ida. Both were born in Hawaii.
From there it got confusing. Ida was not listed as Ida Camara but Ida Jacintha. And, her parents were August Jacintha and Mary Jacintha, Portuguese natives.
August and Mary had not come up in the other Jacinto da Camara research. Was August related to the other Manoel and Cosme? Was the “Camara” information on Ida a mistake made by relatives who mixed up her name over the years? Could there have been other Jacinto da Camara’s wandering around Kauai who were not related to the family I was familiar with?
The answers to those questions would only come with researching Ida’s parents, August and Mary. The following are the records I had found on Jose and Ida thus far.
Marriage Certificate Notes:
Married 2 Aug 1913, Koloa
Groom: Jose Pacheco
Residence: Eleele
Age 22, Bachelor
Born in the Territory of Hawaii
Father: Frank Pacheco of Portugal
Mother: Shandra Pacheco of Portugal
Bride: Ida Jacintha [sic]
Residence: Eleele
Age 17, Maid
Born in the Territory of Hawaii
Father: August Jacintha [sic] of Portugal
Mother: Mary Jacintha [sic] of Portugal
1920 Census Notes:
Hanalei, Kauai Co., HI
Kilauea Road, Camp 1E
Pacheco, Joseph, head, 27, b. in HI
———–, Ida, wife, 23, b. in HI
3 children living with them
1930 Census Notes:
2426 Highland, Oakland
Pacheco, Joe, head, 38, age when married 22
———–, Ida, wife, 32, age when married 22
3 children living with them
(Oldest son, Vincent, is missing)
I researched Ida’s parents to see what other details I might learn. Her mother was widowed by 1910. The census record shows the family living in Wahiawa, Kauai, Hawaii.
1910 Census notes for her mother. All children were born in Hawaii, Mary was a Portuguese native. (Source: Wahiawa, Hawaii, Enumeration District 11, Sheet 6B)
Marie August Jacinth, age 35
Mary, age 16
Angeline, age 15
Adelaide*, age 14
Joaquin, age 12
John, age 11
Joaquina, age 7
August, age 5
Note that I put an asterisk by Adelaide’s name. Ida is a pet name for Adelaide. Between 1910 and her marriage, Adelaide became known as Ida.
The 1900 Census falls in line with 1910, except with one twist. The names are in their Portuguese forms or some reasonable facsimile. (Source: 1910 US Federal Census, Kawaihau District, Kauai, Hawaii, Enumeration District 75, Sheet 16B)
August Jacintho, age, 37
Maria Jacintho, age 24
Rosina, age 15
Maria, age 6,
Angelina, age 5
Adeliga, age 3
Joaquin, age 2
Juau, age 1
There is much to be learned from these documents. The post important being that Ida was not her given name. We’re looking for Adelaide “Ida” (Jacintho) Pacheco.
Ida Jacintha or Jacinto Camara. Could have been my Great Grandfathers Sister. They lived in Kilauea Kauai and later moved to Northern California. Father August and Mother Mary who would have been my Great Great Grandparents. Her siblings were Sister: Lucinda, Mary, Evangeline and Jane. Brothers: John, Jack and August. Her brother John is my Great Grandfather he was the first sibling to move back to Kauai.
After their Dad died, their mother remarried sold the properties in Kilauea and jet settled to UC Berkeley area. I hope this helps as I hope it will help me as well locate our family.