In an earlier research journal, I showed how confusing the Camara and Cosma families of Kauai had become. Surname changes made it impossible to sort out relationships.
In this research journal, I follow the same family, but with a different problem. Through my interviews with relatives, I kept hearing about “Ida Camara”.
It seemed that Ida Camara was everywhere, married multiple times, and living in multiple places. Was there only one Ida Camara or were there two?
The details of Ida Camara’s life were so jumbled that there was no telling how many of her there were. This journal explores the case of the two Idas.
The Problem with Ida is that it seemed there were too many of them or one very busy woman.
Sometimes we need a Little Help from a Relative to help us sort out these messes.
What We Know about the Idas is confusing but we’ll sort it out.
We have to separate the two by Getting Ida (Cosmer) Drew in Order.
Now that we know who Ida #1 was, Who was Jose Pacheco’s Wife?
After all this research, the Two Idas are Resolved.