Given that we all have pandemics on our mind, I have wondered what happened to Hawaii in 1918. Did the flu pandemic hit them hard? Were they left unscathed because they were isolated? Or, were they in double trouble because of the military bases and international travel? I did a little research. This is what…
That’s Old News: Inspector General Of Immigration Report June-September 1887
In browsing the old Hawaiian newspapers, I came across some interesting statistics. The Inspector General of Immigration, C.N. Spencer, visited various sugar plantations quarterly and reported on how many immigrants were on each plantation, and which nationality the plantation owner preferred. I assume that as bringing laborers to Hawaii was costly, the plantation owners were…
Let’s Take A Tour Of The Azores Islands
If you’re like me, you yearn to know “what it was like” when your ancestors lived wherever they were from. It’s fun to learn the history and the culture of their native countries and think of our ancestors living within those lands and with the same traditions. This video is a brief tour of several…
Life In Lockdown: How Our Lives Have Changed Since COVID-19
Ever catch yourself thinking “I wonder what it was like for my ancestors when…”? Well, if you wondered what it was like during the 1918 Flu Pandemic, you now have your first chance, up close and personal, to know what it was like. My County Locked Down Over Two Months Ago Lock down, quarantine, shelter…
San Francisco Coroner’s Records are Interesting and Disturbing has the San Francisco County coroner’s records. These records are as insightful as they are disturbing. Rarely do we get an actual account of our ancestor’s death. It makes these records one of a kind. What’s In The Coroner’s Records? The Coroner’s Office detailed what they found at the scene of the death in…