This is a little belated, but I want to give a shout out to Daniel Loftus at Daniel’s Genealogy. He had a contest in which he gave away two free All Access 1 Year Subscriptions and I won one!!! I have never had an All Access subscription, so this is pretty exciting stuff! You…
RootsTech 2022 Day 3: DNA Painter, Innovators, and More
The RootsTech 2022 Genealogy Conference has wrapped up. Frankly, there was just too much going on and I was as overwhelmed as last year. I had a bunch of technical difficulties accessing the conference on my tablet on the last day. The live and pre-recorded sessions all went to a page that suggested they were…
RootsTech 2022 Day 2: Fooling Around With FamilySearch, FTDNA, And More
Today is day 2 of RootsTech 2022. I spent less time on the Main Stage and more time in the Expo Hall. I managed to completely screw up the times for the live sessions. I will admit that I am time conversion challenged. I’m pretty bummed I missed Roberta Estes doing her DNA presentation and…
RootsTech 2022 Day 1: Overwhelmed, Teary Eyed, and Creeped Out
RootsTech 2022, the genealogy conference, wrapped up day one. Before the pandemic, I’d never been to a genealogy conference. This is my second year at RootsTech thanks to it being completely free and virtual. I didn’t get to do everything I wanted to today. It seemed I had a habit of checking in between live…
How Close Is Ernest Jobson’s Story to Harry Jackson’s?
Now that I know who my great grandfather really is, I’m curious how much the story he invented compares to his real life story. You may know that after 30 years of research I learned that my great grandfather was living in the United States under an alias. Harry Kenneth Jackson was a made up…