It’s here! It’s here! It’s here! The long awaited 1950 U.S. Federal Census was released April 1st and I’ve been diving in ever since. I thought I’d share some of my first impressions as I’ve spent several hours wading around these records. Less Information But More Bonus Opportunities Researchers will probably be disappointed that fewer…
I’m A Winner!
This is a little belated, but I want to give a shout out to Daniel Loftus at Daniel’s Genealogy. He had a contest in which he gave away two free All Access 1 Year Subscriptions and I won one!!! I have never had an All Access subscription, so this is pretty exciting stuff! You…
RootsTech 2022 Day 3: DNA Painter, Innovators, and More
The RootsTech 2022 Genealogy Conference has wrapped up. Frankly, there was just too much going on and I was as overwhelmed as last year. I had a bunch of technical difficulties accessing the conference on my tablet on the last day. The live and pre-recorded sessions all went to a page that suggested they were…
RootsTech 2022 Day 2: Fooling Around With FamilySearch, FTDNA, And More
Today is day 2 of RootsTech 2022. I spent less time on the Main Stage and more time in the Expo Hall. I managed to completely screw up the times for the live sessions. I will admit that I am time conversion challenged. I’m pretty bummed I missed Roberta Estes doing her DNA presentation and…
RootsTech 2022 Day 1: Overwhelmed, Teary Eyed, and Creeped Out
RootsTech 2022, the genealogy conference, wrapped up day one. Before the pandemic, I’d never been to a genealogy conference. This is my second year at RootsTech thanks to it being completely free and virtual. I didn’t get to do everything I wanted to today. It seemed I had a habit of checking in between live…