This is the second installment in the series of indexes listing the Portuguese names in the 1900 U.S. Federal Census for the island of Kauai, Territory of Hawaii. The first index covers Hanelei District.
This index covers Kawaihau District. The majority of the people in this district will most likely be found at the Kealia Sugar Plantation, though there were other plantations in the area that should also be considered.
As with the first index, names were recorded as seen. The spellings are as the enumerator recorded them. They may or may not be accurate as to how your ancestors spelled them.
Abbey, Henry | 412 | 75/35B |
Aguiar, Manuel R. and Maria | 307 | 75/27B |
Anton, Silva De and Francisca | 188 | 75/18A |
Antone, Frank | 349 | 75/30B |
Arruda, Anton and Maria | 174 | 75/16B |
Augusta, Manoel | 464 | 75/40A |
Baptista, Juau and Maria | 181 | 75/17A |
Bettencourt, Jo_____ and Maria | 303 | 75/27A |
Bode, John and Sandarina | 161 | 75/15A |
Bunita, Manuel and Maria | 169 | 75/16A |
Bunita, Victorino and Rosa | 170 | 75/16A |
Cabral, Manuel and Anna | 347 | 75/30B |
Cabral, Manuel S. | 305 | 75/27B |
Camacho, Jose and Maria | 304 | 75/27A |
Cambra, Joaquin and Claradina | 345 | 75/30A |
Cambra, John and Maria | 461 | 75/40A |
Cambra, Jose and Claradina | 415 | 75/36A |
Correa, Jose and Virginia | 302 | 75/27A |
Correa, Manuel and Casmira | 185 | 75/17B |
Craveiro, Er___ and Eligh | 184 | 75/17B |
Craveiro, Manuel and Fredina | 177 | 75/16B |
Craverio, John and Emilia | 180 | 75/17A |
Ebinger, William | 648 | 75/57B |
Ferreira, Antone and Maria | 285 | 75/25B |
Ferreira, Frank | 407 | 75/35A |
Fotjota, Antone and Maria | 182 | 75/17B |
Frado, Manuel and Virginia | 349 | 75/30B |
Freitas, Alfred M. | 412 | 75/35B |
Freitas, Anton | 415 | 75/36A |
Freitas, Francisco and Francisca | 411 | 75/35B |
Frerera, John | 412 | 75/35B |
Garcia, Antone | 416 | 75/36A |
General, John G. and Maria | 162 | 75/15A |
Gonsalves, Manuel and Christine | 167 | 75/15B |
Gwin, Charles and Maria | 463 | 75/40A |
Jacintha, Maria | 463 | 75/40A |
Jacintho, Augusto Sr. and Maria | 173 | 75/16B |
Jordan, Manuel and Ellena J. | 175 | 75/16B |
Jose, John and Carrie | 410 | 75/35B |
Jose, Manuel and Rosa | 178 | 75/17A |
Lester, Eva | 616 | 75/54A |
Lizama, Benjamin and Julia | 163 | 75/15A |
Luiz, Manual and Maria | 416 | 75/36A |
Machado, Manuel and Elzuka | 406 | 75/35A |
Manriques, Manuel and Philominia | 460 | 75/40A |
Medeiros, En___ and Maria | 165 | 75/15A |
Medeiros, Francis and Emily J. | 176 | 75/16B |
Medeiros, Ricardo and Silvania | 183 | 75/17B |
Mendez, John and Albina | 23 | 75/3A |
Mladinich, En and Maria | 159 | 75/15A |
Monis, Manuel and Stuiz | 179 | 75/17A |
Ornellance, Antone | 306 | 75/27B |
Ornellance, Joao and Maria | 405 | 75/35A |
Pavon, Manuel and Maria | 168 | 75/16A |
Pavon, Manuel and Shandrina | 171 | 75/16A |
Rapose, John | 193 | 75/18A |
Rapose, Manuel and Sillarida | 164 | 75/15A |
Rapose, Ogan and Rosa | 346 | 75/30B |
Rapozo, John and Maria | 160 | 75/15A |
Reis, Jose and Margarita | 647 | 75/57B |
Remoaldo, Manuel and Francisca | 53 | 76/5B |
Rodrigues, ________ and Maria | 462 | 75/40A |
Rodrigues, J. and Caroline(?) | 2 | 75/1A |
Rodrigues, Joa and Angelina | 348 | 75/30B |
Rodrigues, John and Clamadina | 301 | 75/27A |
Santos, Jose and Maria | 346 | 75/30B |
Santos, Manuel | 408 | 75/35A |
Silva da Pinto (No first name) and Maria | 4 | 75/1A |
Silva, Anton and Maria | 648 | 75/57B |
Silva, J.J. and Maria | 1 | 75/1A |
Silva, William and Shindrina | 597 | 75/52B |
Soarse, Manoel and Amelia | 409 | 75/35B |
Souza, Francisco and Amelia | 414 | 75/36A |
Souza, Joaquim A. and Mary | 187 | 75/17B |
Souza, Joaquim and Gilgamual | 189 | 75/18A |
Souza, Manuel and Augusta | 158 | 75/15A |
Souza,Manuel and Jovita | 596 | 75/52B |
Ventura, Manuel and Maria | 305 | 75/27B |
Viveros, Antone and Maria | 308 | 75/27B |
Vivieros, John and Rudvina | 344 | 75/30A |
Silva, J.J. and Maria | 1 | 75/1A |
Rodrigues, J. and Caroline(?) | 2 | 75/1A |
Silva da Pinto (No first name) and Maria | 4 | 75/1A |
Mendez, John and Albina | 23 | 75/3A |
Remoaldo, Manuel and Francisca | 53 | 76/5B |
Souza, Manuel and Augusta | 158 | 75/15A |
Mladinich, En and Maria | 159 | 75/15A |
Rapozo, John and Maria | 160 | 75/15A |
Bode, John and Sandarina | 161 | 75/15A |
General, John G. and Maria | 162 | 75/15A |
Lizama, Benjamin and Julia | 163 | 75/15A |
Rapose, Manuel and Sillarida | 164 | 75/15A |
Medeiros, En___ and Maria | 165 | 75/15A |
Gonsalves, Manuel and Christine | 167 | 75/15B |
Pavon, Manuel and Maria | 168 | 75/16A |
Bunita, Manuel and Maria | 169 | 75/16A |
Bunita, Victorino and Rosa | 170 | 75/16A |
Pavon, Manuel and Shandrina | 171 | 75/16A |
Jacintho, Augusto Sr. and Maria | 173 | 75/16B |
Arruda, Anton and Maria | 174 | 75/16B |
Jordan, Manuel and Ellena J. | 175 | 75/16B |
Medeiros, Francis and Emily J. | 176 | 75/16B |
Craveiro, Manuel and Fredina | 177 | 75/16B |
Jose, Manuel and Rosa | 178 | 75/17A |
Monis, Manuel and Stuiz | 179 | 75/17A |
Craverio, John and Emilia | 180 | 75/17A |
Baptista, Juau and Maria | 181 | 75/17A |
Fotjota, Antone and Maria | 182 | 75/17B |
Medeiros, Ricardo and Silvania | 183 | 75/17B |
Craveiro, Er___ and Eligh | 184 | 75/17B |
Correa, Manuel and Casmira | 185 | 75/17B |
Souza, Joaquim A. and Mary | 187 | 75/17B |
Anton, Silva De and Francisca | 188 | 75/18A |
Souza, Joaquim and Gilgamual | 189 | 75/18A |
Rapose, John | 193 | 75/18A |
Ferreira, Antone and Maria | 285 | 75/25B |
Rodrigues, John and Clamadina | 301 | 75/27A |
Correa, Jose and Virginia | 302 | 75/27A |
Bettencourt, Jo_____ and Maria | 303 | 75/27A |
Camacho, Jose and Maria | 304 | 75/27A |
Cabral, Manuel S. | 305 | 75/27B |
Ventura, Manuel and Maria | 305 | 75/27B |
Ornellance, Antone | 306 | 75/27B |
Aguiar, Manuel R. and Maria | 307 | 75/27B |
Viveros, Antone and Maria | 308 | 75/27B |
Vivieros, John and Rudvina | 344 | 75/30A |
Cambra, Joaquin and Claradina | 345 | 75/30A |
Rapose, Ogan and Rosa | 346 | 75/30B |
Santos, Jose and Maria | 346 | 75/30B |
Cabral, Manuel and Anna | 347 | 75/30B |
Rodrigues, Joa and Angelina | 348 | 75/30B |
Antone, Frank | 349 | 75/30B |
Frado, Manuel and Virginia | 349 | 75/30B |
Ornellance, Joao and Maria | 405 | 75/35A |
Machado, Manuel and Elzuka | 406 | 75/35A |
Ferreira, Frank | 407 | 75/35A |
Santos, Manuel | 408 | 75/35A |
Soarse, Manoel and Amelia | 409 | 75/35B |
Jose, John and Carrie | 410 | 75/35B |
Freitas, Francisco and Francisca | 411 | 75/35B |
Abbey, Henry | 412 | 75/35B |
Freitas, Alfred M. | 412 | 75/35B |
Frerera, John | 412 | 75/35B |
Souza, Francisco and Amelia | 414 | 75/36A |
Cambra, Jose and Claradina | 415 | 75/36A |
Freitas, Anton | 415 | 75/36A |
Garcia, Antone | 416 | 75/36A |
Luiz, Manual and Maria | 416 | 75/36A |
Manriques, Manuel and Philominia | 460 | 75/40A |
Cambra, John and Maria | 461 | 75/40A |
Rodrigues, ________ and Maria | 462 | 75/40A |
Gwin, Charles and Maria | 463 | 75/40A |
Jacintha, Maria | 463 | 75/40A |
Augusta, Manoel | 464 | 75/40A |
Souza,Manuel and Jovita | 596 | 75/52B |
Silva, William and Shindrina | 597 | 75/52B |
Lester, Eva | 616 | 75/54A |
Reis, Jose and Margarita | 647 | 75/57B |
Ebinger, William | 648 | 75/57B |
Silva, Anton and Maria | 648 | 75/57B |
Kauai is covered beautifully in the Images of America series. The volume is filled with wonderful historic photographs covering many decades. Click on the image for more details.