I don’t know how this got passed me. I was web surfing the other day and found that the Portuguese Genealogical & Historical Society of Hawaii now has a website. You can visit them at: PGHSH.
The website includes information about their current location, hours, and contact information. If visiting the society in person, be sure to inquire beforehand as they have to make arrangements to let you in.
The website has a list of ships that went to Hawaii, Portuguese surname crests, and a map of the migration route.
You’ll be happy to know that the PGHSH has the book “Portuguese Hawaiian Memories” for sale. As of 8/31/2017, the book costs $50 which includes shipping and handling. You can check the website for an index to the people who have biographies in the book.
Please remember that the PGHSH is a volunteer organization. Your membership dues and donations help keep the society alive.
Informed on my family.. Manual Gomes Jardine.. Frank Costa Ayres..