I have been working on the Kelly family this week. After finding Michael Kelly living with an Uncle, John Kelly, I renewed my efforts to fill in the blanks on his Father, Martin Kelly. I was pouring over data last night when I realized that I never found Martin’s sons, John Joseph Kelly and Matthew…
Category: California Genealogy
Wedding Chapel Wednesday: Tony Red and Jennie
When I was first handed this photo, I was told “Oh, this is Tony Red and Jennie…some Pacheco or other”. Great…My Grandfather only had 45 Pacheco cousins who made it to adulthood. A whole host of them were name: Antao, Anton, Anthony, Antone, Antonio, and Tony! I did identify the couple eventually. The couple is…
Tombstones Have Errors, Too: Part Three
In the first post in this series, I told of Michael Kelly who committed suicide in 1881 and how that date differed from the tombstone. In the second post in this series, I used city directories to see if I could establish connections between Michael, John, and Martin Kelly. In this post, I’m going back…
The Life of Mary Jane Jones
[Written for the 91st Carnival of Genealogy, A Tribute to Women] This timeline shows the events in the life of Mary Jane (Haywards) Jones. Mary Jane Haywards was born in Wales ca. 1810. She left Wales for Australia prior to 1848. I’m not sure if she left with her parents or with her husband. Mary…
Tombstones Have Errors, Too: Part Two
In my previous post, Tombstone Have Errors Too: Part One, I showed how my skepticism about the date on Michael Kelly’s tombstone lead me to search further for information on his death. I found a newspaper article in the Daily Alta that told of a Michael Kelly who had committed suicide on the same day,…