As Father’s Day is tomorrow, Randy has given us a Dad themed challenge for Saturday Night Genealogy Fun. Let me tell you three things about my dad.
1. You could not throw anything away in my dad’s presence. Just try to put something out for Goodwill pick up. You’d find it months later sitting on a shelf in the garage. He picked through every bag. My dad had the money to buy whatever he wanted, so it wasn’t an issue of need.
In addition to this, he had a hard time giving things away. My dad was not a stingy man. He just couldn’t part with stuff. My dad had too many jackets because his children kept buying them for him as gifts. One year my sister collected jackets for the homeless. My dad went through his closet which held 40-50 jackets of all sort. He pulled out one jacket! One! LOL That’s all he could part with.
2. My dad loved his grandchildren more than baseball and cars. He would do anything for them and he did. He was the after school chauffeur, their biggest fan no matter what sport they played, and made excuses to go to their house just so he could be with them.
He always acted grumpy whenever asked to take them to a doctor appointment or to help pick up something for a project. Deep down inside he loved it. It made him feel useful after he retired.
I can still see him laying on the floor on pillows with large building blocks around him in the bed his granddaughter made for him. He was not allowed to move, so he just laid there in the middle of the living room.
3. My dad loved to build things. He built our life-sized play house with double barn style door and prop up window. He made a little box that he kept on the kitchen table next to his TV. It had a Lazy Susan spinner thing on the bottom. When we got our Lab, he designed and built her a dog house complete with a window. He modified an abandoned shopping cart to hold all his tools for working on the semi-trucks from the roofing yard next door.
I can still remember the fun I had with the pair of stilts he made me out of some leftover wood in the yard. I was pretty darn good at those things!
I could go on, but I’m limited to three. Remembering you on Father’s Day, Dad!
Three things my dad loved…the Oakland A’s, John Wayne, and cars. He always had the radio on for the baseball game. The TV was almost always tuned to the Western Channel so he could see “his boy” as he referred to him. He could be found with his head under the hood of a car tinkering with the engine. And, he loved his collectible car collection.