I wrote this article a couple of years ago about my Uncle Charlie. On Memorial Day, I reflect upon the sacrifice he made. Charlie wasn’t even out of his teen years when he was killed. I am proud of Charlie and what he did for his country, but I can’t help feel sad for all that never was. I wish I had known you, Uncle Charlie!
I did quite a bit of research for this story. I hope I have done right by all those who lost their lives along with my Uncle and those few who survived that dreadful day…
This photograph of Charles Lassalle (right) with a friend was taken just before he shipped off.
The escort carrier, Liscome Bay, arrived at Pearl Harbor in October of 1943. It would take part in the invasion of the Gilbert Islands and the liberation of two other islands: Tarawa and Makin. On board were 914 men. One of them was a 19 year old from Oakland, California. He was my Uncle, Charles Lassalle.
The invasion of the Gilbert Islands began on November 20th. It took seven days of air raids to capture the islands. During the invasion, the Liscome Bay was sent on to aid the capture of Tarawa and Makin Islands. This was one of the bloodiest battles of the Pacific theatre as 991 men died on the beaches of Tarawa.
The Liscome Bay was one of five escort carriers used for air support at Tarawa. 3 Battleships, 21 Destroyers, and other vessels were also on hand. They were all under the command of Rear Admiral Harry W. Hill. Hill ordered three of the escort carriers, including the Liscome Bay, to Butaritari Island. There they were placed under the command of Rear Admiral Robert M. Griffin.

Unbeknownst to them all, another vessel was sitting off the shores of Butaritari. It was a Japanese submarine commandeered by Lt. Commander, Sunao Tabata.
November 24th started out a calm day. There was barely a breeze and the waters were still. At 4:30 am, the flight crews began their daily prepartions. 5 minutes later, a slight disturbance–a light– was seen on the water’s surface. Griffin ordered the destroyer, The Hull, to investigate.
The absence of the Hull lead to the demise of the Liscome Bay. The Japanese commander saw his chance as the shifting defenses of the American ships were in disarray. Before they could reposition, someone yelled “Christ, here comes a torpedo!” It was too late. At 5:13 am, the Liscome Bay was hit.
The torpedo tore threw the ship into it’s bomb stowage area and exploded. Oranges flames shot into the air. Then the bombs on board exploded. Debris showered the neighboring ships. Flames engulfed the Liscome Bay and 23 minutes later, it began to sink.
Those who were not killed in the explosion found themselves in another horror. The water gushed with burning oil. They also had to avoid being sucked down along with the sinking ship. Some clung to whatever debris floated by, then swam as far away from the ship as they could. Crew members of surrounding ships risks their lives diving into the water to pull out survivors.
On that ill fated day, rescuers pulled 55 officers and 217 enlisted men to safety. Fireman Second Class, Charles Lassalle, was not one of them. This photograph depicts the somber event of the burial at sea on the Leonard Wood.

The family found out soon after that Charles was missing. Newspaper headlines blared the sinking of the Liscome Bay. Jean and Anna had lost their oldest son.
His body was never recovered. Charles was presumed dead on November 24, 1943. You can find his name among the many listed on the USS Arizona Memorial in Honolulu, HI.
Wikipedia has a photograph of the Liscome Bay and more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liscome_Bay_%28CVE-56%29
HistoryNet has a detailed history of the Liscome Bay: http://www.historynet.com/uss-liscome-bay-hit-by-a-torpedo-near-makin-atoll-during-world-war-ii.htm
The Navy website has a clipping from a newspaper article showing some of the survivors when they returned home. It is hard to believe anyone survived. http://www.navsource.org/archives/03/0305603.jpg
Dorie Miller, an African American sailor and US Navy hero, was on the Liscome Bay as well as my uncle Charlie. His story is told on the African American Registry website, “Dorie Miller: A Naval Hero.” He was first listed as missing, but was presumed dead on 25 November 1944.
Details of that day have also been documented in the book,”Twenty Three Minutes to Eternity: The Final Voyage of the Escort Carrier the U.S.S. Liscome Bay.” Written by James Noles, it covers the tragic events of that day.
A side note to this tale. My dad told me that about 6 months after they got news of Charlie’s passing, they received a letter from the military. They had Charlie’s remains and wanted to know if the family would accept them for burial. My grandparents weren’t sure what to do. So, they consulted my dad. At 16, he was now the oldest son.
After pondering the implications, my dad told them to refuse. He had read the accounts of the sinking. Charlie was in the boiler room which took a direct hit. My dad believed that any remains they received wouldn’t be his brother’s. He didn’t want to bury someone else’s loved one. That moment in time stayed with him for the rest of his life.
Was there a survivor(s)in the presence of Doris (Dorie) Miller before the USS Liscome Bay was torpeoed? Or anyone who witnessed his downfall?
You might appreciate this op-ed about the USS Liscome Bay and one town’s memory in Alabama.
Jim Noles
Author, “Twenty-Three Minutes to Eternity: The Final Voyage of the Escort Carrier USS Liscome Bay (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2004).
My Uncle was also killed on the Liscome Bay, and when I married my husband , who was from Iowa and I was from Arkansas, I found out his uncle was also on the Liscome Bay. I have often wondered why this was never mentioned in the history books. It was a terrible tragedy and one that deserves to have it’s story told.
My uncle Buster also died on the Liscome Bay . He was a machinist mate III
My great grand uncle was also on the USS Liscome Bay and died when it sunk. It was his 21st birthday. Rest in peace, Leroy Joseph Pfeffer.
My uncle Arthur Lee Critchett was one of the survivors from the USS Liscome Bay CVE 56,he also was a survivor USS Dewey DD 349Peral Harbor. He was a navy hospital corpsman and was involved with “Operation Passage Fredom 1954 in French Indo China.He was a member of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association Aloha Chapter no1.He was a Volunteer for the park service. His muster records also have him on several Marine base’s . At one time their was talk about keeping the association alive. Is their any information ?
Thank you for writing about your Uncle. I’ve read several accounts of the Liscome Bay attack and it’s hard to believe their were survivors. A testament to your Uncle’s inner strength! I’m sorry, but I don’t have any information about the association you mentioned.
My uncle, Joseph Trabucco, was aboard the Liscomb Bay when it was sunk by the Japanese in WW2. I was eight years old at the time, but I remember the anguish and prayers of his mother and family. It took awhile for the government to officially notify the family of his loss. At the same time that it took place, my father was also in the Navy in the close vicinity of the Pacific. This also added to the worry that he also was in the same danger. Finally as the war came to an end. My dad came home after the war was over but as time went on , he had more and more trouble breathing. As time went on, he went in and out of the V.A. hospital and eventually died there in 1962. Awhile later the condition from which he died was determined to be ” Mesotheleoma” A lung disease that is caused by a prolonged exposure to smoke and fumes such as would be found in a confined area such as a ship’s engine room. There as no recognition by the government as to the cause or fault leading to the terrible way he spent the last years of his life. He went in and out of the V.A. hospital and eventually died there in 1962. I realize things were done expediently during war times, but the use asbestos probably led to many others to suffer as he did. Thank you for listening to our family’s loss. sincerely, Henry Joseph Trabucco Jr.
Thank you so much for sharing your family’s story! The Liscome Bay attack took so many lives. My uncle and your uncle being two of them. I appreciate your sharing this with me and I hope the article held some useful information about the attack.
I suspect you are right that things were done expediently and the medical field hadn’t quite caught up to the dangers of asbestos by WWII. Many who serve have life long health issues due to what they have been exposed to during their service. My dad served in Japan during the Korean Conflict. They had a particularly cold winter and he got frostbite in one foot. He had problems with that foot his entire life.
My Uncle, Lt. Commander Richard MacAdams was the Chief Engineer on the Liscome Bay. He died that day in 1943 in service to his country. All we have is a headstone in the cemetery In Winchester Mass.
Donnie, Thank you for sharing your uncle’s story. The attack on the Liscome Bay affected so many lives across the country. I appreciate those who share their stories. Your uncle was there along side my uncle that day and they both gave their life to the service of their country.
Donald Perry Appling survived the sinking of the Liscome Bay. He continued in the military and retired as a Lt. Col. in the Air Force. There was a newspaper article in the Hartland, Michigan newspaper about his surviving the sinking of the Liscome Bay. He was my uncle and passed away on Feb. 14, 2007 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Margaret, Thank you for sharing your uncle’s story. It’s incredible to me that anyone made it out alive that day. He truly was a survivor.
I found my father in the photo.. sent the photo to my son years ago when he was in training at Fort Leonard Wood, named after the same person in the attack transport Leonard Wood.. he picked him out immediately as both of my other sons did… Upper deck, far to the left..
Thank you for your story. My uncle, Joseph Fry Jr. ( of Tiffin, Ohio) was also in the engine room of the Liscome Bay. I found the book “29 Minutes to Eternity” as well about ten years ago. Joe’s only child was born three months after the sinking, so she never knew him. Tragic cost of war.
My father survived the sinking. I’ve searched in vain for a FULL crew list by name on that fateful day, without success. Can anyone help me? His name was Whitney Adam Rodriquez.
Jerry, Thank you for contacting me. I’ve been trying to find a complete crew list. Tonight I came across a website called HullNumber which has ship crew lists. It’s not a complete list. What it looks like to me is a list of survivors that people are self reporting.
Maybe this will be helpful in your search. http://www.hullnumber.com/crew1.php?cm=CVE-56
If someone know where a complete crew list can be found, please post the information. Thanks!
RIP: Uncle William Womack (Wallowa Oregon)….. Lost at Sea onboard the USS Liscombe Bay. I wish I could have known you!
Marsha, Thank you for telling us about your uncle. I never knew my uncle Charlie either. I wish I had.
Rest in Peace, William Womack
Roman Eugene Schmuecker 19 years old. Seaman first class. My uncle was a young patriot who gave his life on the Liscome Bay. I wonder if they have ever found any of the wreckage?
Thank you for sharing your uncle’s story with us! I’ve been trying to locate information on whether any wreckage was recovered but haven’t had any luck. I did find this web page and wondered if they might be able to supply further details. Here is the link in case you would like to pursue further: https://pacificwrecks.com/ships/usn/CVE-56.html
I will keep an eye out for information and post if I come across anything.
My great great uncle Ensign Donald G Allen was a victim of this attack as well, loved reading your story!
Arthur W. Keller Jr. Lost at sea body never recovered as so many others on the USS Liscome Bay. 18 years of age Born Exeter Ca. 1926. The oldest son of 3 boys that all were Navy. My father Harold E Keller is the youngest of the sons. He was a Corpman stationed with the Marine Corps in Korea, himself a Purple Heart recipient still alive at the age of 90. My father had a memorial plaque made in honor of his brother, and it is now placed at the Exeter Memorial Building.I have just recently lost my mother at the age of 90 and have started researching family geneoligy .
Thank you for sharing your uncle’s story. He was just as young as my uncle. How neat that there is a plaque in Exeter to honor his memory. I hope you have many wonderful discoveries on your genealogy journey.
My paternal grandfather, Merle M. Young was on the Liscombe Bay. He would have been 18 years old at the time. I believe that he was a welders mate and 20mm gunner. The LB was his first ship and first time out to sea as he was from Oklahoma. He used to tell me stories sometimes of his time in the navy, life on the ship, the sinking of his ship, his rescue from the sea, and how he served out the rest of his enlistment; part of the time on an old hospital ship and finally on a new destroyer at the wars end. He chose to not re-enlist and instead became a farmer in Oklahoma, where he and my grandmother had three daughters, one son, and 8 grandchildren.
Thank you for sharing your grandfather’s story. I am often amazed anyone survived that disaster.