For Randy’s Saturday Night Genealogy Fun Challenge this week, he has asked us to fill out a survey. Below are the questions with my answers.
1) Answer these questions in my survey about genealogy resources and usage:
a) Which genealogy software programs for your computer do you use (e.g., Family Tree Maker, Reunion, GRAMPS, etc.)?
I use RootsMagic. I originally used FamilyOrigins and shifted over to RootsMagic. I’ve very satisfied with it.
b) Which online family trees have information submitted by you – in either a separate online tree (e.g., Ancestry Member Tree) or a universal (collaborative) online tree (e.g., WikiTree)?
My family tree is posted at WikiTree, though only my maternal side is up right now. This is my Mom’s family tree covering the Azores, Ireland, England, Wales, and Australia, if anyone is interested.
c) For which subscription genealogy record providers (e.g., Ancestry) do you have a subscription?
None. Money is tight for me, so I stick to the free stuff.
d) Which FREE genealogy record providers (e.g., FamilySearch) do you use regularly?
The websites I work with the most are: (the free version)
San Francisco Genealogy:
The Azores Arquivo:
The French Archives for Atlantique Pyrenees:
The Hawaiian Archives:
The California Digital Newspaper Collection:
The San Francisco Property Map Collection:
The Internet Archive:
Google Books: where my family tree is hosted where my DNA results are and where I spent way too much time since Thursday when my results came in
(I am sure there are more, but that’s where I spend my research time these days)
e) How much time do you spend each week doing actual genealogy research online? [Note: not reading, or social networking, but actual searching in a record provider]. Estimate an average number of hours per week.
7-8 hours, especially now as I’m reading the Azorean church records in the evening after dinner. Great cure for insomnia translating Portuguese records at 10 pm at night!
f) How much time do you spend each week doing actual genealogy research in a repository (e.g., library, archive, courthouse, etc.)? Estimate an average number of hours per month over, say, a one year period.
Zero time…I’m disabled and don’t drive. I’m limited to what I can do from home.
g) How much time do you spend each week adding information to your genealogy software program (either on your computer or online)? Estimate an average number of hours per week over, say, a one month period.
h) How much time do you spend each month at a genealogical society meeting, program or event (not a seminar or conference)? Estimate an average number of hours per month over, say, a one year period.
None. I haven’t attended any events and don’t belong to any societies.
i) How much time do you spend each month on genealogy education (e.g., reading books and periodicals, attending seminars, conferences, workshops, webinars, etc.)? Estimate an average number of hours per month over, say, a one year period.
I would say about 4 hours a month. It depends. Right now, I’m heavily invested in learning about autosomal DNA tests since I just got my results.
j) How much time do you spend each week reading, writing and commenting on genealogy blogs, websites, and social media? Estimate an average number of hours per week over, say, a one month period.
7-10 hours a week? I maintain the Portuguese Hawaiian Genealogy Group on Facebook, I am co-moderator of the Azores Google Group and the IslandRoutes Google Group. I also maintain my own Pacheco – de Braga family group on Facebook. I have my own genealogy blog and website. And, I read several others via Feedly when I’m eating lunch and dinner.
That was interesting. I’m wondering when I have time to sleep between reading about genealogy, sharing information about genealogy, and researching genealogy.