Randy has put up his weekly Saturday Night Genealogy Fun challenge. This week we’re supposed to post a trick we have learned recently and then post a treat we’ve received.
The trick I learned recently helped me research property in San Francisco via the San Francisco Property Information Database. By entering an address (be sure to spell out avenue, street, etc.), you can learn if the building your ancestor lived in still exists, the date it was built, and it’s historic preservation status. Be sure to click on the different tabs and links as some entries provide more information than others.
I’ve received several treats lately. I think the one that gives me chills the one my new cousin, Jean, in France sent to me. I met Jean through my Dad’s cousin, Bob, who also works on the family tree. Jean is from the same area that my Mazeres and Lassalle lines originate from.
Jean was able to locate the original Mazeres house in Ogeu les bains. This house was built around 1800-1810. It passed through several generations of Mazeres descendants and currently is owned by a couple of Lacrouts sisters (I am not sure if they are related to the Mazeres, but they could be related to my Lassalles). My new cousin went by there one day and snapped a couple of photos of the house. This is the first historic home, and certainly the first in the mother country, that I have a photograph of.
I decided to make a sepia version of the house. It almost makes me imagine my ancestors standing right there at the gate.