You may have noticed that the Research Journal has been acting a little odd the last two days. You might have experienced pages that wouldn’t open or images that have poofed away. This is all because my webhost noticed malicious files running from my directories. While these files did not affect the appearance of my blog, my webhost had to block certain access points to my blog so that they could not post any more files.
Over the last two days, I have been deleting malicious files identified by my webhost. I’ve had to reinstall my WordPress software, deleting themes and plugins I no longer use, and generally clean up the mess.
For visitors, you should have been able to access the blog. However, you may have noticed that all images from posts have disappeared. I’m working on get my photo gallery visible again.
I thank you for your patience during this clean up project. Hopefully, the Research Journal will be back to normal very soon.