I decided a couple of months ago that it was time to put my family tree online. Oh, I’ve got bits and pieces on my website and blog, but mostly these are in list format.
I wanted to use one of the online websites, but which one? I don’t have the energy or the time to update in a gazillion places like many researchers do. After doing some research, I decided to go with WikiTree. I liked the format and the way WikiTree runs things.
Anyway, I put up my Jackson-Jones family tree first. It’s the one that I’ve made the least contacts on and the one I would like to know more about. It’s only been about a month and I’ve received my first cousin email. It comes from a woman who is related to my Shellabarger’s.
Frank Shellabarger was my Grandmother’s third husband. They met in the 1950s and were married in 1960. Unfortunately, Frank died about 5 years later. Though I don’t recall knowing Frank (I was only a year and half old when he died), he will always be Grandpa Frank to me.
This researcher has sent me information on Frank’s roots. He was Iowa, which makes his tree far different from the ones I have researched for my own lines. All my roots came to California before 1907 and most of my great grandparents were immigrants. It looks like Frank’s family was in the US for several generations.
Now that I have this first cousin link under my belt, I’m hoping for more 😀 That means YOU Pohley, McSwegan, Meincke, Bourne, Burke, Garibaldi, Dolan, Kelly, Walls, Collis, Coyne (I could go on, but I won’t)… cousins! I’m waiting on you!
Frank at Yellowstone
Could you be related to me? Well then, check this out…