A little bird named Grant told me that it’s my blogaversary today! (Thanks Grant!) The Research Journal has been up and running for 6 years. Wow!
When I first started this blog, it had a very different purpose. The first few months I worked through research problems and showed how I solved them. Eventually, I ran out of ideas that could easily be presented in this format.
I regrouped in June of 2006 with a new focus. I decided to write about my research adventures on all my lines. My post would teach readers how to work through problems, but it would also look for help from other researchers whose suggestions ofter lead me to resources I had not considered.
Eventually, I posted about resources in Hawaii, California, and the other areas that I research that I felt my readers might find useful. I added Wedding Chapel Wednesday in November of 2009 which focuses on marriage records within my tree. I added That’s Old News in 2011 which covers newspaper articles about my family or articles I’ve found interesting in old newspapers.
I participate regularly in Randy Seaver’s Saturday Night Genealogy Fun. And, sometimes when I remember, I submit something for a blog carnival.
It’s been fun putting this blog together. Writing posts is a learning experience. Often when I’ve put my material together about research I’ve done I’ll find something that my original analysis missed. I’ve also connected with several new cousins mostly related to my Pacheco and de Braga lines.
Here’s hoping for many more years of blogging and learning! Thanks for stopping by my blog and reading my posts all these years 🙂