The Native Hawaiian Genealogy Society is embarking on a project that should prove beneficial to many Hawaii researchers. They are going to be transcribing the anti-annexation petitions of 1897-1898.
The petitions include over 21,000 names. I think it’s an important part of history to capture as their were people who were against annexation and resisted these actions.
According to their website this is the purpose of the project:
“It is the goal of the Native Hawaiian Genealogy Society and its members to transcribe The Hui Aloha ‘Āina Anti-Annexation Petitions of 1897-1898 and furthermore, to create an online database containing both an alphabetized listing of all names transcribed from the aforementioned documents, along with a search feature to locate various names within.”
They are looking for volunteers to help with transcription. If anyone has time on their hands and can contribute, think about helping out.
More information on the project can be found on the Native Hawaiian Genealogy Society website. The website also provides information about the petitions themselves.