(Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories Day 19: Religious Servives)
My family was not religious at all. Though we were baptized Catholic, we didn’t participate in any religion.
So, Christmas was never a religious day for us. We didn’t go to church, nor did we participate in any church events. I think my parents had enough trouble carting around 5 kids as it was. LOL
When my niece and nephew were young they belonged to the local Catholic church they were part of the Christmas Eve Mass. This was the children’s services and it was alot of fun. No boring Latin being droned for hours. This service was lively. The different children’s choirs sang songs. There were soloists. There was some reading from the Bible. There were sing-alongs. After the service, there were goodies to eat and alot of hand shaking. After that was over, we went to my sister’s house to warm up and eat some dinner.
Those were the only Christmas services I attended. They were alot of fun. The kids really put their hearts into it. Perhaps because it was directed at kids it made it more enjoyable for those of us who really aren’t religious.