Randy over at Genea-Musings has his Saturday night challenge up. Here are the instructions:
1) How old is your father now, or how old would he be if he had lived? Divide this number by 4 and round the number off to a whole number. This is your “roulette number.”
2) Use your pedigree charts or your family tree genealogy software program to find the person with that number in your ahnentafel. Who is that person?
3) Tell us three facts about that person with the “roulette number.”
4) Write about it in a blog post on your own blog, in a Facebook note or comment, or as a comment on this blog post.
5) If you do not have a person’s name for your “roulette number” then spin the wheel again – pick your mother, or yourself, a favorite aunt or cousin, or even your children!
My Dad is 82. I divided it by 4 using a calculated because the math part of my brain is dysfunctional 😉 I got 2o.5.
Rounding off, my roulette number is 21. Since I don’t know anything about my real 21, I decided to see who this person was using my Mom’s pedigree. 21 is my gr gr gr grandmother, Rosa de Medeiros Pacheco.
Rosa was born 4 Mar 1810 in Maia, Ribeira Grande, Sao Miguel Island, Azores to Antonio Pacheco de Rezendes and Anna de Jesus. Although she was officially Rosa de Medeiros Pacheco, she is often found in records as Rosa Barquiera. Barquiera is no doubt an alcunha (nickname). I am not entirely sure what it means though I was told it might meant boatman or fisherman (fisherwoman?). Perhaps Rosa like to swim with the fish. LOL
She was married to Jacintho Jose de Braga 26 Aug 1829 at N.S. de Espirito Santo Church, Maia, Ribeira Grande, Sao Miguel Island.