You all know that about a month ago, my long time companion and dear sweet dog, Sierra passed away. It’s still quite painful thinking about her. Though, she was almost 14 and I know that she had a good long life despite cancer, an amputation, and arthritis. She certainly showed us how to enjoy each day despite difficulties.
Evidently, my brother thinks my life needs some perking up. A week after Sierra’s death, he brought me our newest family member. May I introduce you to Misha Peanut Lassalle…
She’s a Jack Russell Terrier, 11 weeks old, and weighing in at 2.4 lbs. I think she weighs less than Sierra’s head. LOL
She certainly is active. Between playing and housebreaking, I’ve forgotten how demanding a puppy is. Well, it has been 14 years since I did this the last time.
My days are turned upside down. I’m starting to get the hang of doing stuff during her naps, but I’m not quite adapted yet. It’s like having an infant.
Pets add so much to our enjoyment of life. I don’t know if my ancestors owned any pets. It would be fun to learn this little tidbit about them and add it to the family data. They’d seem a bit more human.
Welcome to family Misha!