You knew I wouldn’t be able to leave John C. Jones alone! I fell asleep with him on my mind and I woke up with him on my mind.
I followed the family through the census. I found John and wife, Margaret, in the 1870, 1880, and 1900 census. I confirmed that they had three daughters, Jeanette “Nettie”, Nellie, and Maud. John started out as a blacksmith in 1870 and ended up as a gardener in 1880.
John and Margaret were married ca. 1865. She was from New York, so the marriage had to take place in San Francisco. I might luck out and find a newspaper announcement.
I decided to look in the 1890 San Francisco Voter Registration index next. I found this entry:
John Charles Jones, age 48, born in Australia, Blacksmith, residence-134 4th Street, Naturalization 1 Aug 1867, San Francisco, 4th District
Unfortunately, he applied for citizenship in San Francisco. Those records are lost. At least, I learned he was here in 1867. I’m narrowing down the year of immigration.
I picked up the date of naturalization and John’s middle name. That should prove helpful if I ever search for the Jones family in immigration records. Not a bad day’s research since I hadn’t even heard of John C. Jones this time yesterday!
It’s nice to know I’m not the only one out there thinking about research morning and night, literally! 🙂