[Research Journal #6, Entry #5]
My next stop would be to find Jozimas and Maria’s marriage records. Marriage records intimidated me. They were long and wordy. I was learning which phrases to pick out but it wasn’t all that easy for a novice like me!
I figured that they were married somewhere around 1870 based on the birthdates of their children. Jose was the earliest child found and he was born in 1872. I decided to go backwards from there.
I found Jozimas and Maria’s marriage record in the microfilm for 1871. They were married in Divino Esperito Santo Church on 28 Aug 1871. Jozimas’ parents were listed as Jacintho de Braga and Roza Pacheco. Maria’s parents were listed as Felicianno de Mello Castanho and Roza Botelho. Both set of parents were residents of Maia.